Michael created his first cartoon strip in the early 1970’s Moby Strip, his second in 1994: Marcus Borealis
After Michaels daughter’s death in 2007 the full force of his creative ability pushed forward with the creation of twenty-six more individual strips and the invention of over 300 characters within the confines of a few months. In 2015 with encouragement of friends Michael developed the two strips Goo Goo and You and Facebroker. All totaled, he has invented 30 cartoon strips...with his desire that he not go over the total number of songs presented in the Beatles White Album.
After Michaels daughter’s death in 2007 the full force of his creative ability pushed forward with the creation of twenty-six more individual strips and the invention of over 300 characters within the confines of a few months. In 2015 with encouragement of friends Michael developed the two strips Goo Goo and You and Facebroker. All totaled, he has invented 30 cartoon strips...with his desire that he not go over the total number of songs presented in the Beatles White Album.